Free RLE to JPE Converter

Convert RLE to JPE for free and online, easily convert your image file without needing to download any software or pay any fees

Or drop it here

Maximum file size 200 MB


Run Length Encoding

Run Length Encoding (RLE) is a lossless data compression algorithm for image files. It is used to reduce the size of the image file without losing any of the image data.

Main usage

Run Length Encoding is commonly used for compressing images in web applications, video games, and other applications where image size is a concern.

    Main features

  • Lossless compression
  • High compression ratio
  • Simple algorithm


Joint Photographic Experts Group

JPEG is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images, particularly for those images produced by digital photography.

Main usage

JPEG is most commonly used for digital photography, web graphics, and for storing photographs and other images with millions of colors.

    Main features

  • Lossy compression
  • High compression ratio
  • Widely supported