Free SIXEL to RGBA Converter

Convert SIXEL to RGBA for free and online, easily convert your image file without needing to download any software or pay any fees

Or drop it here

Maximum file size 200 MB


Sixel Graphics

Sixel is a graphics format used for displaying bitmapped images on terminals and printers. It was developed by DEC in the 1980s and is still used today.

Main usage

Sixel is mainly used for displaying bitmapped images on terminals and printers.

    Main features

  • High resolution
  • Compact file size
  • Compatible with most terminals and printers



RGBa is an image file format that stands for Red Green Blue Alpha. It is a variant of the RGB image format that supports transparency.

Main usage

RGBa is commonly used for web graphics, such as logos, icons, and other graphics that require transparency. It is also used for print graphics, such as business cards and other marketing materials.

    Main features

  • Supports transparency
  • Compatible with most image editing software
  • High-quality image format