Free TAR.BZ2 to CPIO Converter

Convert TAR.BZ2 to CPIO for free and online, easily convert your archive file without needing to download any software or pay any fees

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Maximum file size 200 MB


Tar Bzip2

Tar Bzip2 is a file format used for compressing and archiving files.

Main usage

Tar Bzip2 is commonly used for archiving and compressing large files and directories.

    Main features

  • High compression ratio
  • Supports multiple files
  • Supports long file names


CPIO Archive

CPIO (Copy-in/out) is an archive format used to store files and directories in a single file.

Main usage

CPIO is commonly used to package files for installation on Linux systems, and is also used to back up files on Unix-like systems.

    Main features

  • Compression
  • Encryption
  • Indexing